How does The Walking Classroom make you feel?
Does it make you feel energized? Focused? Excited? Or, just plain happy? Taking a walk has a way of rejuvenating us like nothing else. Whether it’s a brisk walk outside in the sunshine and fresh air or a quiet walk in the halls when the weather is bad…[hl color=”#844a6a”]Walking Rocks![/hl]
Show us why you love walking

For this week in Walktober, show us why you walk and how it makes you and your students feel. Does it help you clear your head? Find your Zen? Attack your next lessons with gusto? Let us know!
Post to win!
Don’t forget to post your photos using the #walktober and #thewalkingclassroom hashtags to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You might be the lucky winner of a Fitbit One!
Happy Trails!
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