I would like to share my Walking Classroom strategy for winter. During this time of year, it is sometimes hard to justify going outside with lots of students, subjecting them to the cold, and possibly getting them sick which could lead to future absences. I have come up with the idea of doing The Walking Classroom indoors while still making it fun and engaging for my students.
I have alternative seating in my classroom. Instead of regular stationary chairs, my students sit on yoga balls. To adapt The Walking Classroom for a different kind of indoor activity, we listen on the loudspeaker as a class. With the yoga balls, we still bounce around as we listen.
I tried allowing my students to listen individually, as they do when we go outside on their individual walk-it kits. Not the best idea! While bouncing vigorously, the students’ earbuds tend to become dislodged, which makes individual listening challenging! By doing The Walking Classroom inside in this way, we are able to stay warm, still increase our heart rate, and do things a little out of the norm!
I really enjoy all the different podcasts that The Walking Classroom offers. There seems to be one for just about every topic I teach. Thank you, Walking Classroom for providing my students with a fun and new way to learn . . . and keep active!
Christie Branch
4th Grade Teacher
West Marion Elementary
This was a fantastic idea, and I love that it still provided movement and exercise while not exposing students to the harsh winter elements.