This past June, The Walking Classroom packed up our banner-stand, posters, and bling and took off for the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference in Denver, CO.

For those who are not familiar with it, the ISTE conference is huge, to say the least. There were nearly 15,000 attendees who all had some level of responsibility for technology in education—either as teachers, curriculum coordinators or IT specialists for an entire school district, or responsibilities in other educational settings.
STEAM Education’s Top 10 Interesting Products at ISTE!
Out of nearly 600 exhibiting companies, STEAM Education selected The Walking Classroom as one of the Top 10 Most Interesting Products at the entire conference. We couldn’t agree more!
One thing that became very clear to us at the ISTE conference was how The Walking Classroom is not big or flashy or complex—it just works.
The Walking Classroom exhibit was surrounded by huge displays from companies like Microsoft, Scholastic, Amazon, and others. We were a tiny nonprofit dot in a sea of glitz.
There were many incredibly clever products that really can help bring education into the 21st century. We were excited to be one of them—and especially excited to be recognized as one of the top 10 most interesting among so many technology giants.
About STEAM Education
STEAM Education provides the framework used for connecting the growing network of educational disciplines, businesses and communities to create adaptable citizen-involved, globally responsible, reality-based programs for developing for life-long FUNctional literacy for all. Learn more at
To The Walking Classroom, I just wanted to say congratulations on such a well-deserved honor! You are correct in that I have never heard of this organization but I agree totally!!
Again, congratulations.
Shelia Stephens, Parent Involvement Coordinator, Kinetic Minds
Congratulation The Walking Classroom on being named STEAM Education’s Top 10 Interesting Products at ISTE! The WalkKits and the podcast are an amazing educational tool.