What’s NEW at The Walking Classroom? Lots of Free Resources!
We are excited to start the new school year with hundreds of free resources (including professional development opportunities!) for our program adopters. See some samples below:

Slide Decks
The slide decks contain supplemental information for each of the units within Program 4, Program 5, and STEM.
These are great resources to visual learners pre-walk and post-walk and offer additional support for ELL students!
› See a sample slide deck for our Idioms podcast!

Electronic Quizzes
Each of the podcasts’ comprehension quizzes are available via Google Forms.
Students can complete quizzes online where their answers will be recorded. Teachers can then view student responses live or have students complete the entire quiz and then grade it using a free add-on called Flubaroo!
› View a sample electronic quiz!
Supplemental Videos
We also compiled a list of suggested videos for each program that provide a brief, visual follow-up to a walk!
Watch this video about one of our favorite podcast topics, idioms.
Professional Development
We are now offering periodic professional development webinars for our adopters. Each time a new webinar is being offered, we will send adopters notification and a registration form. After the webinar is held, a recording of the webinar is loaded to our Adopter Resources page.
And, they’re all free for Walking Classroom adopters to attend or view!
How do I sign up?!
To implement The Walking Classroom with your students, please contact us by email, by calling 919-240-7877, or just place your order here!
Once you’re an adopter, we’ll send you the information you need to get access to these awesome resources. If you’re a current adopter but don’t have an adopter account, please contact us.
› Click here to see all our WalkKits and guides!
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