Educators have cited other benefits of TWC, including how it program builds core content knowledge and aligns with standards.
Teachers Talk: Supporting the Standards
Educators have cited other benefits of TWC, including how the program builds core content knowledge and aligns with standards.
Walk This Way: TWC and Long-Term Planning
The podcasts are aligned with Common Core State Standards, so when I do my long-term planning at the beginning of each year, I sit with The Walking Classroom Teacher’s Guide to tentatively plan out which podcasts we will listen to unit by unit, at which time during the year.
Walk this Way: On The Trail with Mrs. Yonemura’s Class
This post is part of our Walk This Way series, designed to share The Walking Classroom experiences of teachers and students across the United States. This post provides a glimpse into Kathie Yonemura’s class. Click here to… Read More