I teach fourth grade students in an urban community just outside of Washington, DC. The students have been designated Gifted and Talented by way of assessment data, teacher recommendations, and parent surveys. However, our program is… Read More
Search Results for: ESL
Excitement Builds before Starting
Following the step-by-step introduction helped build our program participants’ excitement about TWC. They couldn’t wait to get started!
Water Cycle Podcast is a Favorite!
I teach fifth grade science. This year our favorite Walking Classroom podcast was The Water Cycle (4-#30, STEM-#12, Complete-#148).
A Healthy Choice for Bodies and Minds
The Walking Classroom provides not only a healthy choice for their bodies, but also a healthy choice for their minds.
Enthusiastic about the Program
I got started with The Walking Classroom with my fifth grade classes. They were very enthusiastic about the program.
TWC is Perfect for Meeting Our Needs
Most of us are ready to go home by the last 30 minutes, so TWC is perfect for meeting the needs for language arts and movement!
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Graders Love TWC!
West Park Place Elementary has been utilizing TWC since the beginning of the school year with our third, fourth, and fifth grade students.
A Difference Academically and Behaviorally
I have been using TWC for a few months now and I can attest to the difference it has made not only academically, but behaviorally as well.
Thanks to the Oak Foundation!
Our fifth grade was the fortunate recipient of a granted set of Walking Classroom materials, thanks to the Oak Foundation.