In today’s Walking Classroom, Olympic Gold Medalist and World Cup Soccer Champion Carla Overbeck and her son, Jackson, introduce the Walking Classroom and discuss the importance of making healthy choices. Carla and her son talk about what calories are, what an empty calorie is, and the effect that junk food has on your energy and ability to perform. Carla talks about how she made healthy choices and why it’s important to make healthy choices about eating right and getting enough exercise.
Character Value: N/A
Click for Standards Alignment
Common Core
L–Language | SL–Speaking and Listening | RI–Reading: Informational | RL–Reading: Literature | W–Writing | RH–6-8 Literacy in History/Social Studies | RST–6-8 Literacy in Science & Technical Subjects Elementary School:SL.3.1, SL.3.4
SL.4.1, SL.4.4
SL.5.1, SL.5.4
Middle School:
SL.6.1, SL.6.4
SL.7.1, SL.7.4
SL.8.1, SL.8.4
Supplemental Resource Links and Downloads

Quiz: (Make sure you're already logged into your Gmail account, then click to copy this Google form to your Google Drive. Quiz keys are here.)
Introduction to The Walking Classroom Google Quiz

Explains the meaning of a calorie, how our bodies use calories, and the impact of too few/too many.
Additional resources are not yet available for this podcast.