Has a little girl performing slam poetry.
The Limerick Song
Shows a leprechaun singing limericks.
Shel Silverstein: “Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too”
Has Shel Silverstein reading one of his poems.
Literary Conflict in The Little Mermaid
Includes clips from The Little Mermaid and discusses which type of conflict each scene represents.
Conflict in Literature
Presents the five types of conflicts possible in any fictional story or novel.
Shel Silverstein’s “The Giving Tree”
Presents animation and reading of Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree.
Why is a Story’s Setting Important?
Talks about the importance of setting in fiction and movies and the way setting is connected to the other elements of fiction.
Story Elements: Setting
Discusses setting and reveals how time and place can do more than just provide context.
What is Personification?
Presents an example of a tree acting like a person.
Introduces the musical device of alliteration.