By December, the school year is well underway, and students and teachers have settled into a routine. While we are all about routines at The Walking Classroom, we also appreciate that sometimes you just need to change it up to keep things interesting! Many of the podcasts can easily be grouped into what could be considered a mini-series. Combining podcasts like this is a perfect way to dive deeper into a concept, like geology, exploration, or poetry!
Program 5: Explorers – Marco Polo (#78, Combined-#53), Christopher Columbus (#79, Combined-#54), Pedro
Alvarez Cabral (#80, Combined-#55), Vasco da Gama (#81, Combined-#56), Neil Armstrong (#82, Combined-#152)
Program 4: Poetry – Rhyme Scheme, Meter & Verse (#9, Combined-#9), Langston Hughes (#16, Combined-#34), Maya Angelou (#17, Combined-#37), Robert Frost (#23, Combined-#33), Carl Sandburg (#24, Combined-#35), Emily Dickinson (#38, Combined-#28), Jack Prelutsky (#39, Combined-#38), Ogden Nash (#40, Combined-#36)
STEM: Geology – Geology (#15, Combined-#132), Layers of the Earth (#16, Combined-#133), Rocks of the Earth’s Crust (#17, Combined-#134), Hot Springs and Geysers (#18, Combined-#137), Volcanoes (#19, Combined-#138), Deserts of the World (#20, Combined-#139), Mountains (#21, Combined-#136), Continental Divide (#22, Combined-#135)
Once you’ve picked out the perfect set of podcasts to help you cover the curriculum, it’s the optimal opportunity for a fun culminating activity!
After listening to several podcasts, your students’ brains will be buzzing with all their new learning. Playing a game like Jeopardy allows students to review what they’ve learned in a fun and engaging way! The best part is that you don’t have to make up any questions. Simply rephrase quiz questions, incorporate vocabulary, and utilize the main ideas from each podcast that your students listened to during the unit.
There are lots of free Jeopardy templates out there, making it even easier to incorporate this fun activity.
We’ve created a Jeopardy game for the Program 5 Explorers mini-series and promise to make more in the future! This jeopardy game, along with other supplemental materials, is available in the Adopter Resources section of our site. If you have created a Jeopardy game or another type or review game for Walking Classroom material, let us know! We’d love to share it with other Walking Classroom adopters!
What kinds of games and activities do you do with your students to review what they’ve learned on a walk?
Hi Kalie! I’ve found that creating Kahoots out of the questions provided is a great way for my kiddos to review what they learned. They love them! I’m going to have to try out the Jeopardy! I love the idea of grouping the lessons together! Thanks!