Grammar and exercise… Who woulda thunk it?
Recently, one of the most engaging lessons I have had with my class is when we used TWC as the introduction to the topic of similes and metaphors. We followed up the walk with supplemental videos, partner work with powerpoint examples, and creating poems about ourselves using similes.
Many of the students in our class discussions made references to the examples used in The Walking Classroom audio lesson, which lets me know how powerful of a tool TWC actually is.
Thank you Walking Classroom! We love you!!!
Katie Auerbach
5th Grade Teacher
Rio Real Elementary
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I really could not agree more! When I first introduced the topic, my students we not as excited as they chould be. They didn’t really get it and felt like the topic was quite boring. Insert The Walking Classroom! I have never seen them more engaged in a discussion about grammar topics before! After that walk, eveytime I brought up a topic that might be less “fun” there would be groans, but always one voice reminding everyone of the experience they had with the similies and metaphors walk.
My fifth graders had a similar experience. As with most schools, our students take a lot of standardized tests. They were taking their third and last round of MAP tests when I heard some giggling. I walked over to see what was going on and my student explained he had just learned about similes and metaphors on his latest Walking Classroom podcast. He was giggling because the podcast told him the answer!
I have ten years of experience in the school I’m currently teaching in (not all years as a homeroom teacher) and I can tell you, I’ve never experienced this level of excitement before! In addition to being genuinely excited about the content covered in the podcasts (similes and metaphors), my students cannot wait to debrief with one another after. They get so excited to share their Aha! moments. It’s a great thing to witness! Thank you TWC!!!
I have had the same exact thing happen with my students. I have Never had a class so engaged with similes and metaphors, idioms or many of the other grammar topics. Absolutely amazing that taking a walk around the school can result in such an inspiring grammar lesson.
Thanks TWC for the opportunity to teach while exercising and creating lessons that students remember!