EVERY Walking Classroom podcast has a ton of supplemental resources including lesson plans, slide decks, videos, quizzes, worksheets, and more! FREE when you purchase the program. We’ve also created almost 40 themed groupings of podcast topics to support your curriculum units. Read more about them below!
In this episode of The Walking Classroom, you learn about the famous climate expert and top female scientist, Inez Fung. Dr. Fung teamed up with other scientists to bring attention to climate change and worked towards stopping our Earth from getting too hot for us to comfortably live. She believed that we need to understand how our behavior will affect the earth in the long-term, and that what we do on land is connected to what’s happening in the atmosphere.
Health Message: Oxygen, learning, and the brain
Character Value: Determination
Supplemental Resource Links and Downloads

Inez Fung Slide Deck

- Surprising Places We Waste Energy – It’s Okay to Be Smart (4:17) — Discusses the various ways we waste energy day-to-day, including food waste and transportation.
- Climate Change 101 (Bill Nye) (4:09) — Explains what causes climate change and how it affects our planet.

- The Greenhouse Effect — Hands-on Activity — Witness the greenhouse effect through a simple experiment from Family Education.
- Greenhouse Gas Activities and Actions — Printable or Worksheet — Review the activities that increase carbon dioxide in the air and describe what can be done to reduce carbon emissions from each in this free printable from the United States Green Building Council’s Learning Lab.
- Climate Change! — Online Activity — See how climate change is affecting summer air conditions in cities across the United States in this online interactive activity from PBS Learning Media.
- China’s Great Forests — Virtual Field Trip — Join scientist Yue Wang on this Nature Conservancy virtual field trip and learn about the role forests and mountains play in the carbon cycle and climate change. Note: Includes downloadable Teacher Guide.
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Themed Groupings
To help support your curricular units or help you introduce additional content to your class, we created The Walking Classroom’s Themed Groupings!
You can easily find podcasts centering around specific themes in language arts, social studies, and science, or explore other areas of interest. Whether you’re looking for podcasts addressing things like grammar or literary elements, a branch of science, a historical era, or even innovators like artists and inventors, The Walking Classroom has got you covered!
For example, Themed Groupings that contain the Clara Barton podcast include: Biographies, Civil War & Reconstruction, Famous Women, Historical Figures, Innovators: Artists, Inventors & More, Medicine, The Human Body