This is my first year using The Walking Classroom and I am in love! My students come to class eager and ready to begin their day because they are excited about their learning.
What I have loved most about The Walking Classroom is that ALL of my students are able to utilize the kits, even at different abilities. I teach a wide variety of students — high-achieving students, students with learning disabilities or autism, and students who are gifted and talented — all of whom are able to benefit from The Walking Classroom lessons.
During the first month, students were excited to get to do something different and fun, while still learning. They have also shown a great deal of responsibility in taking care of their WalkKits.
While walking, students have even taken on leadership roles. They have encouraged and assisted other students, all while exercising and learning. The program has given all of the students a chance to discuss and interact with each other in a way that does not normally happen in the regular classroom. The Walking Classroom has allowed my inclusion students to be successful students in the classroom.
As classes enter my room, their first question is always, “Are we walking today?” They are eager to get some fresh air, exercise, and have group discussion with one another about the topic of the day. Since I have started using The Walking Classroom, students have become more engaged in the learning process and are more excited about coming to school.
I look forward to continuing to use The Walking Classroom to expand our learning!
Sarah Richardson
Leaders in Training Specials Teacher
Greensville Elementary
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