Meet Walking Classroom Ambassador Katie Lyon. Katie teaches fifth grade at St. Timothy School in California. She has been working in education for 12 years, and she is currently in her third year using The Walking Classroom.
What are your memories of yourself when you were in fifth grade?
I remember my teacher having a classroom economy and how excited I was to save up my class cash to purchase a teacher and student language arts textbook. I couldn’t wait to use it in my pretend school at home.
What led you to become an educator?
I believe I knew at a young age that I wanted to be a teacher. However, when I first enrolled in college courses at a community college, my major was undecided. It wasn’t until one night when I was walking through the teacher aisle at a local office supply store that I thought about it. A week later, my major was Elementary Education, and I’ve never looked back!
Share your educational philosophy in one to three sentences.
I believe that in order for students to learn, they need to be engaged. My students should feel comfortable to make mistakes, take risks, and allow each other to grow in their failures and successes.
What is your favorite content area/topic to teach? Why?
I love teaching math! As a child, math was always an area of struggle for me. I remember my geometry teacher taking an interest in helping me be successful in his class. I now work hard to find ways to help my students master the concepts and look at math like a puzzle they can solve.
What is your favorite podcast or Walking Classroom memory and why?
My favorite Walking Classroom podcast is “Who’s On First?” Every year the students love listening to that particular one! I will actually walk with them without listening to the podcast just so I can hear their laughter. It’s contagious!
What is your best teaching memory?
My best teaching memory is when I unexpectedly receive a note or word of encouragement and love from my students. They always seem to know when I need it the most!
What advice would you give to a new teacher?
Always be willing to try something new to improve your craft. No matter how long you have been teaching, you can shake things up. It’s never too late!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to spend time with my husband and three daughters.
Name something you’d like to cross off your bucket list.
Professionally—I want to visit the Ron Clark Academy and see the amazing teachers there in action. Personally—I want to travel the country by motor home with our girls and see the beautiful sights.
Congratulation Katie – TWC Ambassador. I LOVE the advice you gave for new teachers and your pirate costume 🙂 I wrote a grant and two of my co-workers and I will be attending the Ron Clark Teacher Academy. We are so excited to be going. Check the website often to apply for free workshops. I wish you continued success.