Resource Type: Virtual Field Trip
Explore the location in present-day Boston where the Boston Massacre took place.
Walk, Listen, and Learn
Explore the location in present-day Boston where the Boston Massacre took place.
Read a passage about the Boston Massacre and correct factual errors in the passage in this online activity.
Evaluate both sides of the Boston Massacre (best for middle school students) in this activity from George Mason University.
Identify terms relating to the Boston Massacre.
Go on a virtual tour of Machu Picchu.
Make and trade recipes involving potatoes, a staple of the Incan diet, in this Kids Discover activity.
Search for terms relating to the Inca.
Make an Incan quipu and explore the Incan math system in this Kids Discover activity.
Go on a virtual tour of Tenochtitlan, capital city of the Aztec empire.
Discover where the Aztecs lived (Activity 1) in this activity from the National Endowment for the Humanities and National Geographic.