Resource Type: Multi-Day Project
Read a biography of Sampson’s life from the Mount Vernon website, and write a paragraph or short essay about her life and explaining her role in American history.
Walk, Listen, and Learn
Read a biography of Sampson’s life from the Mount Vernon website, and write a paragraph or short essay about her life and explaining her role in American history.
Identify terms relating to Deborah Sampson.
Read a summary of Henry’s life and write a paragraph or short essay about his life and why he was important to American history.
Match terms relating to Patrick Henry to their definitions or sentences.
Create (and deliver!) an argument in the style of Patrick Henry’s famous speech in this teacher-created lesson plan.
Go on a virtual field trip to Paul Revere’s house in Boston, Massachusetts.
Explore the importance of different locations along the route of Revere’s famous ride in this activity from the Paul Revere House.
Create a map of Revere’s ride, a portrait of him, or a timeline of his life in this lesson plan.
Search for terms related to Paul Revere.
Explore and analyze Longfellow’s poem, “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” (Activity 3), in this activity from the National Endowment for the Humanities.